An application for a full free studentship for class 8 / 10 / JSC / SSC / HSC by Study Bangla 24

Write an application to the principal of your school/college for a full-free studentship.

13 February 2021
The Headmaster/Principal,
X High School /College.

Subject: Application/Prayer for a full-free studentship.


I beg most respectfully to state that I am a student of your School/ college of class X. My father is the only earning member of our family. He is a petty clerk of a private company. He has to maintain a large family consisting of eight members. Amongst them, I have three school-going brothers and sisters. In such a situation, it is very difficult for my father to bear our educational expenses after maintaining the family. So, I am badly in need of a full-free studentship. I would like to mention here that I stood first in the first year final examination.

I, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to grant me a full-free studentship and enable me to continue my studies further and oblige thereby.

I remain,

Sincerely yours,
Class- X
Roll - 5

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